Anne M. Thompson

IAMAS Vice President
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, 2007–2011

ICACGP President
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, 2002–2006

Anne M. Thompson, previously a Scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (1986-2004), has been a Penn State Meteorology Professor since 2005. Dr. Thompson’s research covers a range of observations and modeling:

  1. early work in air-sea exchange and biogeochemical cycling
  2. pioneering studies of chemical-climate links, pollution, oxidizing capacity
  3. expertise on tropospheric ozone variability from natural, anthropogenic causes
  4. field leadership roles with aircraft, cruises, and many international experiments.

Dr. Thompson has received COSPAR’s Nordberg Medal for Space Science research and the Women in Aerospace International Achievement Award. She is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS; 2002), Am. Geophysical Union (2003), Am. Meteor. Society (1995). Thompson has > 140 publications and is an ISI highly-cited author in Geosciences. She was President of the Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution (2002-2006) before election to IAMAS Vice-President in 2007.

Dept of Meteorology
Penn State University
510 Walker Building,
University Park, PA 16802

Tel: +1 (814) 865-0479
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