The IAMAS Plenary Session will take place over 14:00-15:00 on Thursday, 31 August 2017 in Room Auditorium 2, Cape Town International Convention Center (CTICC) in Cape Town, South Africa.

This event will allow members of IAMAS to discuss the current state of the association and how we might develop in the future. The programme is:
- Introduction to IAMAS activities
- Panel discussion on possible IAMAS future strategy, and
- Early Career Scientist Medal ceremony.
Firstly, John Turner, President of IAMAS, will introduce current IAMAS activities and future options. In the Panel discussion, the Bureau Members, the Presidents of the commissions and also the Members at Large will discuss several topics. This is good opportunity to provide ideas about how to operate IAMAS, such as the role of the officers, further medal awards, social media and finances etc. The previous IAMAS Info-E announced that Corinna Hoose was selected as the IAMAS Early Career Scientist recipient for 2017. The Award Committee chaired by Joyce Penner, Vice President of IAMAS will present her with the medal.
On the same day, an Early Career Scientist Event will be held at 18:00-20:30 in Room 2.41-2.43 under the auspices of Michelle McCrystall and John Turner for young scientists who are invited to join in the networking. Julia Keller will make a presentation on Young Earth System Scientists (YESS)’s activities.