The IAMAS Awards Committee seeks nominations for the IAMAS as well as the IUGG Early Career Medal, to be awarded at the July 2019 Assembly in Montreal Canada. Below are the nomination procedures for the IAMAS Early Career Medal, which requires a brief (less than 2 page) account of the achievements of the nominated scientist, details of their involvement with IAMAS, a list of their major publications and an assessment of their potential.
Since the IUGG medal nomination is due on June 20, 2018, we ask that all nominations for the IAMAS medal be emailed to Joyce Penner before May 20, 2018. The Bureau will then select 1 person to put forward for the IUGG medal. Since the IUGG Medal Nomination requires 3 letters of support, we request 3 letters. The IAMAS Early Career Medal will be selected from the full list of nominations, in the event that the IUGG award is not given to our nominee.
Summary of items needed by May 20, 2018:
- A nomination letter (not to exceed 2 pages)
- 2 additional letters of support
- The nominee’s CV (should not exceed 3 single-spaced pages) with an emphasis on his/her scientific work in a research field of IAMAS and his/her contribution to international scientific cooperation
- A list of the most important published scientific works (not to exceed 2 single-spaced pages)
Early career is defined as a scientist who has earned their highest degree (PhD or equivalent) within the last 10 years and is under 40 years of age when nominated and (for IUGG) actively promotes international scientific cooperation in Earth and space sciences.
The nominations should be made through Commissions or the Members at Large.
Each Commission and/or the Member at Large can select one nominee.
Submit all nomination packages before May 20, 2018 to:
Joyce Penner (penner@umich.edu)
Chair of the Awards Committee,
Vice-President, IAMAS