The IAMAS Plenary Session will take place over 14:00-15:00 on Thursday, 31 August 2017 in Room Auditorium 2, Cape Town International Convention Center (CTICC) in Cape Town, South Africa.
Continue readingAuthor Archives: Bill Bellon
IAMAS Early Career Scientist Medal Award
Congratulations to Corinna Hoose, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), on being awarded the 2017 IAMAS Early Career Scientist Medal.
Continue readingObituary: Stanley Ruttenberg (1926 – 2017)
Stanley Ruttenberg, Secretary General of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (IAMAP, now IAMAS) from 1975-1987, passed away in Boulder, Colorado USA on 12 February, 2017.
Continue readingExtended Abstract Submission Deadline for Cape Town Assembly
The abstract submission deadline has been extended until March 17, 2017. Please submit your abstract from the website at
Training School on stratosphere-troposphere interactions

The IUGG/WCRP-SPARC training school on stratosphere-troposphere interactions is jointly organised by SPARC (Stratosphere-troposphere Processes And their Role in Climate, a core project of the World Climate Research Programme), the Climate Systems Analysis Group (CSAG) at the University of Cape Town, and the International Commission on the Middle Atmosphere (ICMA) of IAMAS (International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences).
The training school will take place directly after the IAPSO/IAMAS/IAGA international conference (Cape Town from 28 August to 1 September 2017) and is aimed at advanced Masters and PhD students. The programme covers lectures and hands-on practical sessions as well as mini-projects that are to be completed during the school. Three main themes will be covered: Tropospheric dynamics and climate, stratospheric dynamics and chemistry, and stratosphere-troposphere interactions. More information about the school as well as the application form can be found at:
Cape Town Assembly Web Site
The Cape Town Assembly web site has been updated and refreshed! – Check it out at
IAMAS Early Career Scientist Medal
The IAMAS Early Career Scientist Medal was established in 2011 and is awarded biennially at the IAMAS/IUGG assemblies. It is to be awarded to an outstanding scientist who has carried out excellent scientific research and who had the potential to make a significant contribution in the future. Early career signifies a scientist who has earned their highest degree within the last 10 years and who is under 40 years of age when nominated. The IAMAS executive committee is now seeking nominations from the Commissions and Members at Large. A committee chaired by IAMAS Vice President Joyce Penner will be assembled to determine the next awardee, which will be awarded at the 2017 Cape Town IAPSO-IAMAS-IAGA Assembly.
Two-page nominations should consist of a list of accomplishments of the nominee as well as a list of significant publications. They are due September 15, 2016.
Submission to:
- Joyce Penner, Vice President,
- Terry Nakajima, Secretary General,
- Yoshi Sasaki, Assistant of SG,
Journal partnership with “Advances in Atmospheric Sciences”
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (AAS) announced a journal partnership with IAMAS, which includes various benefits for our Association.
Read AAS announcement here.