Hans Volkert

IAMAS Secretary-General, 2011–2015
IAMAS Secretary-General, 2007–2011

Hans Volkert holds a diploma for meteorology (Dipl.-Met.) from Freie Universität Berlinand a PhD in atmospheric physics from Universität München. He collected experiences as coordinator of German and international science projects, as editor for scientic journals, and as organiser for a number of international science meetings (e.g. for WMO). He (co-)authored more than 50 peer-reviewed and 80 other publications.

After his election to this voluntary post for IAMAS he declared in July 2007:

“A central task within my activities as Secretary General of IAMAS will be to assure a sustained quality of scientific communication through regular conferences in a global framework. While modern communication tools and electronic planning methods have certainly be used in an effective manner, I will strive to retain a maximum of humane qualities as personal commitment, charm and humour.”

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
Institut für Physik der Atmsophäre (IPA)
D-82234 Oberpfaffenhofen

Email: Hans.Volkert@DLR.de
Fax: +49 8153 28 1841