The ICCP web page is being redone and transferred to a new location: It is hosted by IAMAS, together will all the pages of the other commissions in a common format.
The site is still under development and not completely live yet. However, we are working on its setup.
One of the new features is the news blog where you can subscribe (or unsubscribe) to be alerted to new posts. Soon this feature will replace the ICCP bulk emails that you received.
To enable a smooth transfer all email adresses on the old list are being inscribed to the new initial mailing list. This welcome email will also allow you to unsubscribe to the news alert.
The above link holds a section where new inscriptions can be made.
One new element of our new web page is the “history” section where we are currently uploading the old conference proceedings. It is a work in progress. Also, if you or your lab has a copy of the very first proceedings (prior 1970) , please let us know.
We hope you like this new site. And we are happy about any feedback/ suggestions that you can contribute.
ICCP officers Andrea, Greg and Darrel