About ICCP

The International Commission on Clouds and Precipitation (ICCP) is a Commission of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS).

The Commission is formed of experts from around the world who are elected during quadrennial meetings normally held during the International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation. The Commission organizes such meetings, which have been held around the world.


  • To stimulate scientific research throughout the World in the area of Clouds and Precipitation through the organization of Conferences, Workshops and Symposia, including symposia forming part of the General Assemblies of IUGG.
  • To encourage the transfer of scientific ideas to scientists throughout the World and to facilitate international collaboration including the exchange of scientific researchers.
  • To provide support for scientists to attend relevant conferences.
  • To establish such working groups and committees as may be necessary, including joint committees with other Commissions of IUGG.
  • To organize meeting of the Commissions as may be necessary for the execution of its duties: such meetings will normally be held during major international conferences.
  • To report on its work to IUGG, through the IAMAS.