1. Definition of the ICCP:
The International Commission on Clouds and Precipitation, The ICCP, is a commission of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS).
The IAMAS is one of the constituent Associations of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. All countries which adhere to the Union, including Associate Countries (Members), are Adhering (Member) Countries of the Association and are qualified to appoint delegates to the Association’s General Assemblies.
The ICCP, as a Commission of the IAMAS, adheres to the statues of the IAMAS and Bylaws of the ICCP as regards its internal functions.
2. Objectives of the ICCP:
To stimulate the worldwide scientific study of clouds and precipitation phenomena.
To encourage the transfer of scientific ideas among scientists via discussion, presentation and publication; and to facilitate international scientific collaboration in the study of clouds and precipitation phenomena.
To promote education and public awareness of scientific issues relating to clouds and precipitation phenomena in the atmosphere.
The primary means to achieve these objectives is through the organization of Conferences, Workshops and Symposia, including a quadrennial International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation and symposia forming part of the General Assemblies of IAMAS and IUGG.
To promote wide participation in its Conferences, Workshops and Symposia, ICCP will provide necessary financial assistance, to the extent fiscally feasible, to students and/or scientists to enable their participation, especially those from the less developed countries.
ICCP may also establish such working groups and committees as needed, including joint committees with other Commissions of IUGG, to achieve these ends and/or to address scientific issues as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.
3. Member of the ICCP:
The International Commission on Clouds and Precipitation comprises:
- The Officers
- The Executive Committee
- Past Presidents of ICCP
- Honorary Members of ICCP
4. Officers of the ICCP:
The Officers direct and coordinate all activities of the Commission, and function on a continuing basis, as required, between General Assemblies. The Officers consist of a President, Vice-President, and a Secretary, elected by the Executive Committee.
The President is elected by the ICCP Executive Committee during the General Assembly. His/Her term of office is for one period of 4 years. He/She is eligible for immediate re-election but only for one additional period of 4 years.
The Vice-President is elected by the ICCP Executive Committee during the General Assembly. His/Her term of office is also for one period of 4 years. He/She is eligible for immediate re-election but only for one additional period of 4 years.
The Secretary is elected by the ICCP Executive Committee during the General Assembly. His/Her term of office is for one period of 4 years. He/she is eligible for immediate re-election, but can serve no more than three (3) consecutive terms.
If the Office of the President becomes vacant between two General Assemblies, the Vice-President assumes the Presidency subject to the willingness of the Vice-President to do this. Alternatively, the Secretary will solicit nominations and organize an election by electronic mail within 90 days.
If the Office of the Vice-President becomes vacant between two General Assemblies, the office will remain vacant until the next election at the following General Assembly. Alternatively, the President may request that the Secretary solicit nominations and organize an election by electronic mail.
If the office of the Secretary becomes vacant between two General Assemblies, the President will appoint a member of the Executive Committee to the position of Secretary, subject to the concurrence of the Vice President.
Term limits for Officers supercede those governing regular members of the Executive Committee. Thus, a newly elected President could serve 2 consecutive terms after having served the prior term as a regular member of the Executive Committee. In the same way, the term limit for President supercedes those for Vice-President or Secretary, and the term limit for Vice-President supercedes that for Secretary. However, a retiring Officer may only be immediately elected to regular membership if they only served a single term as a Officer and were not a regular member during the term immediately before that.
5. Meetings of the ICCP:
The General Assembly of the Commission is a meeting of the Officers, Executive Committee, Past Presidents and Honorary Members.
The Commission will meet in General Assembly at the time and location of the International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation organized by the Commission, or at General Assembly of the IAMAS.
If the need should arise, the Commission may also meet in Extraordinary General Assembly during the interval between two General Assemblies.
The time between General Assemblies must not exceed four years, with allowance for minor scheduling variances (few months).
The location of the next International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, and typically the next General Assembly, is determined at the current General Assembly. The President and Vice-President will solicit nominations of candidate locations well in advance of the current General Assembly. Key factors in deciding a venue are the existence and interest of a suitable host organization and/or local organizing committee, the availability of suitable facilities, and practical considerations such as cost and accessibility. As evidenced by our history, geographical balance with respect to past locations is a strong consideration. The final determination is made by ballot after discussion. Individuals may be invited to make brief presentations on candidate locations prior to the vote. These persons do not need to be members of the Commission. In the event that a location is selected but subsequently proves to be non-workable or highly non-favorable geopolitical conditions develop, the President may prudently arrange an alternate venue with the concurrence of the Vice-President and Secretary.
The planned time and location of General Assembly of the Commission must be reported to IAMAS. Reports on the General Assembly must also be made to IAMAS. Such reports shall be made by the President within 6 months to the General Secretary of IAMAS and include a listing of current Officers, membership of the Executive Committee, and Honorary Members as well as other data deemed useful to IAMAS.
6. Membership of the ICCP Executive Committee:
Membership in the Commission is achieved by a vote of the Executive Committee and Officers during the General Assembly of the Commission. Members of the Executive Committee are elected for a period of 4 years and can be re-elected once for a period of 4 additional years. New members assume their duties after their formal acceptance subsequent to the General Assembly in which they were elected.
The Executive Committee is comprised of 25 Members, or less, excluding the Officers. An increase in the number of Members for the next term can occur by a majority vote of the Members and Officers.
The Commission strives to ensure that its membership is comprised of active researchers with strong international reputations and expertise spanning the field of cloud physics and precipitation science, including representation of diverse observational and theoretical specialties. Appropriate geographical and gender balance is also desired. These factors are taken into consideration when nominating and electing Members.
In case of the resignation of a Member, the position will remain vacant until the next General Assembly and new elections.
7. Election of the ICCP Executive Committee Members:
Members who are serving their first 4-year term and are willing to serve for a second term are automatically nominated for a second term. The Secretary will confirm the willingness to serve an additional term prior to calling for new nominations.
Not less than 6 months before the next election, nominations of new Members are solicited by broad email distribution to scientists active in cloud physics and precipitation research. Normally, an amended list of participants from the last International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation will be used for the call. The call will also be prominently posted on the ICCP web site.
Nominations can be made via email or regular mail to the President or Secretary of ICCP and must include, in addition to the name of the nominee, the nominee’s affiliation, email address, phone number, and a short description of the nominees scientific accomplishments and expertise. The nominator must also indicate that the nominee consents to serve if elected.
The Officers will appoint a Nominations Subcommittee comprised of 3-5 members of the Executive Committee. Members of the Nominations Subcommittee shall have a good knowledge of the worldwide cloud physics and precipitation scientific communities. The chair of subcommittee will be designated by the President. The subcommittee will tabulate and evaluate the nominations, and develop a “short” list of those deemed most highly qualified. The short list and the complete list of all nominees will be distributed to all members of the Executive Committee at least 2 weeks prior to the election which will occur at the General Assembly. Nominations can be made at any time until the elections are completed.
The election of Executive Committee Members occurs during the General Assembly. The vote is held prior to the election of new Officers and is administered by the current Officers. Votes shall be confidential (by secret ballot) unless this requirement is waived by super majority (2/3rds) of the members present. Members are elected by simple majority vote of the Members and Officers. New members assume their duties after their formal acceptance subsequent to the General Assembly in which they were elected.
Past-Presidents and Honorary members do not participate in either the election of Members or in the election of the Officers, though they may serve on the Nominations or Election Subcommittees.
8. Election of the Officers:
Officers who are serving their first 4-year term and are willing to serve for a second term are automatically nominated for a second term, or a third term in the case of the Secretary. The Secretary will confirm the willingness to serve an additional term prior to a call for new nominations.
The President will appoint an Election Subcommittee comprised of 2-4 members of the Executive Committee with the concurrence of the Vice-President and Secretary. Past Presidents and Honorary Members may also serve on the Election Subcommittee. Each member of the Election Subcommittee shall have a good knowledge of cloud physics and precipitation scientific communities throughout the world. If the President is completing his/her second term, the President will chair the election subcommittee. Alternatively, the subcommittee will be chaired by a Past President or other member of the Executive Committee appointed by the President with the concurrence of the Vice-President and Secretary.
The Election Subcommittee will issue a call for nomination of Officers not less then 3 months prior to the election that will take place at the next General Assembly. The call will be issued to the worldwide community of scientists involved in cloud physics and precipitation research. Nominations can be made via email or regular mail to members of the Election Subcommittee. In addition to the name of the nominee, a valid nomination must include the nominee’s affiliation, email address, phone number, a description of the nominee’s scientific accomplishments and expertise, and a letter from the nominee indicting a willingness to serve if elected. Candidates must have citizenship in a member country of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics.
A list of qualified candidates shall be distributed to all members of the Executive Committee at least 2 weeks prior to the election, that will occur at the General Assembly. Candidates do not have to be Members of the Executive Committee, current or newly elected. Nominations can be made at any time until the elections are completed. Insufficient documentation of qualifications, or lack of consent to serve, may preclude election.
The election of Officers occurs during the General Assembly. The vote is held subsequent to the election of Members of the Executive Committee. Votes shall be confidential (by secret ballot) unless this requirement is waived by super majority (2/3rds) of the members present. Ballots are cast by each member of the current Executive Committee, and not by the newly elected members who assume their position after the General Assembly when they formally accept the position in writing to the President. Elections of the President shall occur first, Vice-President second, and Secretary last. Officers are elected by simple majority vote of the Members.
Past-Presidents and Honorary members do not participate in the election of the Officers.
9. Honorary Members:
Honorary Members are appointed for life. The President will issue a call for nominations of Honorary Members to the Officers and Executive Committee not less then 3 months prior to the next General Assembly. The President will circulate the resulting nominations to the Officers and Executive Committee and conduct the election via email prior to the General Assemby such that the presence of a newly elected Homorary Member at that General Assemby can be assured. Honorary Members are elected by simple majority vote in the same manner as for regular Members.
Honorary members do not participate in either the election of Members or in the election of the Officers.