Hans Pruppacher: another giant of cloud physics passed away

Professor Dr. Hans Rudolf Pruppacher was a towering figure in the international cloud physics community.

He was a researcher, teacher, and mentor, and had immense impact on both experimental and theoretical
developments in the field of atmospheric science. Hard working and demanding at the workplace,
Hans was very kind to his students in personal relations.

The publication of the book “Microphysics of Clouds and Precipitation”, co-authored with James D. Klett in 1978,
is still an important contribution to the cloud physics field.
His research is gaining even more importance as recent climate studies have underlined the fundamental
uncertainties resulting from clouds.

Hans Pruppacher passed away on 11 oct 2020 after a short and brave fight against a brain tumour
and is survived by his wife Monica and his son Lucas.
Due to current regulations, the funeral ceremonies are restricted to his close family.

First announcement for the 18th ICCP conference 2021 in Pune, India

18th ICCP Conference 2021 will take place between 2-6th August 2021 with the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India as the host.

The ICCP 2020 was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The ICCP commission, in consultation with the LOC, has decided that the upcoming ICCP 2021 will be a hybrid/virtual meeting, with the structure of the sessions depending on the degree of improvement in the global pandemic situation

We will be coming together as a cloud physics community once again by following all the restrictions and regulations in place.

We once again want to thank everyone that submitted an abstract by the 9th March 2020 deadline and note that we received over 560. The overwhelming support given to the ICCP during these difficult times shows that the ICCP community is still eager to come together, share science, and build international collaborations. We will be re-opening the abstract submission website for the ICCP-2021 on 30th October 2020.

The following highlights should also be noted

  • The International Cloud Modelling Workshop (ICMW 2021) and Airborne Data Processing Workshop will take place during the week and the weekend before the ICCP 2021, respectively, in Pune, India. A separate announcement will follow in that regard.
  • ICCP will be reviewing the abstracts received with a new deadline of 14 January 2021. Those who have previously submitted abstracts will be able to make changes to their abstract starting on 30th October 2020. There will be no abstract submission fee if you have previously paid the submission fee. However, if you submit an additional abstract or did not previously submit an abstract, submission fees will apply. 
  • Note that all abstract fees are non-refundable; however, all previously submitted abstracts remain in the database. The abstract submission system will allow for previously submitted abstracts to be revised, replaced (e.g., update co-authors and titles or change the subject matter of the abstract) or withdrawn, and to allow for new submissions.
  • The new deadlines are as follows.
    • 30th Oct 2020 abstract submission open
    • 14th January 2021 abstract submission closed
    • 6th March 2021: Acceptance of abstracts and initiation of registration
    • 30th March 2021 Program released
    • 29th April 2021 early bird registration ends
    • 29th June 2021 Regular registration ends  
  • The description of the scientific program may be slightly modified to include research areas that have been initiated due to the pandemic. Please watch for further announcements regarding abstract submissions and updates to the scientific program.
  • We are also considering a new format for the online presentations, which will be communicated shortly

If you have a question, please contact us at iccp2020@tropmet.res.in. We will continue to update the website with new information https://iccp2020.tropmet.res.in/home .

We realize that many of you or your loved ones are suffering at this time and some of you may have lost people who are dear to you; our thoughts are most definitely with you all.  Please ensure that you take every possible precaution.

Welcome to the new ICCP web page

The ICCP web page is being redone and transferred to a new location: https://dev.iamas.org/iccp/. It is hosted by IAMAS, together will all the pages of the other commissions in a common format.

The site is still under development and not completely live yet. However, we are working on its setup.

One of the new features is the news blog where you can subscribe (or unsubscribe) to be alerted to new posts. Soon this feature will replace the ICCP bulk emails that you received.

To enable a smooth transfer all email adresses on the old list are being inscribed to the new initial mailing list. This welcome email will also allow you to unsubscribe to the news alert.

The above link holds a section where new inscriptions can be made.

One new element of our new web page is the “history” section where we are currently uploading the old conference proceedings. It is a work in progress. Also, if you or your lab has a copy of the very first proceedings (prior 1970) , please let us know.

We hope you like this new site. And we are happy about any feedback/ suggestions that you can contribute.

ICCP officers Andrea, Greg and Darrel

Mandate of the current commission

Normally, the mandate of every ICCP commission expires after 4 years and new members and officers are elected during the ICCP conference. When it became clear that the 18th conference had to be postponed, the commission unanimously decided to extend the mandate of the members and the officers until 2021 (date of the postponed conference).