[Agreed by ICDM July 2007, and approved by IAMAS August 2007]
The International Commission on Dynamical Meteorology (ICDM) was established by the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (IAMAP) (now the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, IAMAS) at its plenary session in Zurich, Switzerland in 1967. The commission was established in response to an increasing awareness of the importance of dynamical meteorology to an understanding of the atmosphere. It was intended that the work of the ICDM should complement the work of the other commissions.
I. Objectives of the Commission
1. The Objectives of the International Commission on Dynamical Meteorology (ICDM) are:
1.1. To promote scientific observation and research of the atmosphere and its dynamics;
1.2. To initiate, facilitate, and coordinate international cooperation in the study and investigation of atmospheric dynamics, and application of the research to practical problems, including by helping make information and advice available;
1.3. To stimulate presentation and publication of scientific studies and assessments relating to dynamical meteorology, including its couplings to the environment and society;
1.4. To stimulate, facilitate, and assist in the continuing development and education of scientists involved in the study of atmospheric dynamics, including its couplings to the environment and society; and
1.5. To cooperate fully with other IAMAS Commissions and IUGG Associations (e.g., IAPSO and IAHS). A major activity of ICDM in carrying out this cooperation is the organization of symposia at IAMAS and IUGG assemblies.
II. Organizational Affiliation of the Commission
2. The ICDM is one of the constituent Commissions of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS), which is one of the constituent Associations of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG).
2.1. The ICDM operates under the Statutes of the IAMAS.
2.2. The business of the International Commission for Dynamical Meteorology shall be governed by Section XI of the statutes of the International Association for Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS) (see http://iamas.org/statutes/english.html)
III. Meetings and Official Actions
3. Official Actions of the ICDM may be taken at Regular Meetings, at Special Meetings, or via email.
3.1. The ICDM shall hold its Regular Meetings coincident with the IUGG and IAMAS General Assemblies and IAMAS Scientific Assemblies. Meetings shall be open to all who are interested in supporting the objectives of the ICDM. While nonmembers may be heard at commission meetings, only members of the ICDM may vote on matters before them.
3.2. The ICDM may also choose to conduct Special Meetings in such other circumstances as the officers of the ICDM deem useful to achieving the objectives of the ICDM.
3.3. The ICDM will normally conduct its official business at its Regular Meetings. The ICDM may also conduct its business, including election of its members, at Special Meetings, via email or correspondence or, in rare circumstances, via conference calls.
3.4. The Secretary of the ICDM shall maintain an official record of the actions of the ICDM and this shall be available to all members and to the IAMAS Executive Committee for review.
3.5. All decisions of the ICDM shall be taken by simple majority of the individual regular, honorary, and emeritus members voting at a meeting or of the votes received by email. In case of equal votes for and against, the vote of the President shall decide.
IV. Membership on the Commission
4. The ICDM is composed of recognized and interested scientists who are committed to fulfilling the objectives of the Commission and the IAMAS through cooperation with their scientific colleagues. The commission is composed of regular members and officers.
4.1. Regular members shall be elected to the ICDM by its members. The officers of the ICDM may also nominate new members in the period between Regular Meetings of the ICDM.
4.2. The term of a regular member shall normally be for 4 years, and may be renewed a maximum of two times by election by the ICDM. Service of a regular member during the two-year period leading up to the first Regular Meeting as member shall not count toward the four-year limit.
4.3. The ICDM may also select former officers and former regular members as honorary or emeritus members in recognition of their contributions to the ICDM. Honorary and emeritus members are invited to assist in fulfilling the objectives of the ICDM. The terms of honorary and emeritus members are indefinite. The number of honorary members should be relatively limited and granting of honorary membership should not be automatic.
4.4. The number of members of the ICDM shall be determined by the ICDM. In electing or designating regular members, consideration is given to representing the wide ranges of scientific expertise and geography that are active and relevant for study of atmospheric dynamics and applications of research findings.
4.5. Service as a member of the ICDM shall be without remuneration or reimbursement of expenses, except as approved by the ICDM and as are within the resources of the ICDM.
V. Officers of the Commission
5. The officers of the ICDM shall include a President and a Secretary, and may, at the discretion of the members, include a Vice-President, a President-Elect, and/or a Past President.
5.1. Elections of all officers shall be during, or immediately before (if the election is held by email), the Regular Meetings of the ICDM at the General Assemblies of the IAMAS, which are coincident with the General Assemblies of the IUGG that are held every four years.
5.2. Nominations for officers shall be made by the members of the ICDM and require the agreement of the nominee to serve. Nominees must be from Adhering Countries of the IUGG, but do not have to be members of the ICDM at the time of election to office. Nominees must qualify as recognized and interested scientists.
5.3. The term of office shall be four years, beginning at the end of the General Assembly. Officers may be elected to serve for a maximum of two terms. Terms of office may be extended beyond two terms only if an election is unable to be held and with the permission of the IAMAS Executive Committee.
5.4. The time of service of officers on the ICDM shall be counted separately from the time of service of an officer as a member of the ICDM.
5.5. The officers of the ICDM shall serve without remuneration or reimbursement of expenses, except as provided at the discretion of IAMAS or IUGG.
VI. Responsibilities of the Officers and Members of the ICDM
6. The officers and members of the ICDM shall work to fulfill the goals and objectives of the ICDM.
6.1. In fulfilling the objectives of the ICDM, the responsibilities of the officers and members shall include:
6.1.1. Recommending and developing proposals for sessions and symposia at Assemblies of the IAMAS, and at other meetings as appropriate. Proposals generally include information on content, proposed convenor(s), and expected level of interest and are submitted to IAMAS at their meetings, which are coincident with their assemblies.
6.1.2. Assisting in the development of the program content and participation in approved sessions and symposia, including the encouragement of scientists to participate by submission of papers, and in the conduct of the symposia, as requested by the convenors.
6.1.3. Assisting members of IAMAS and other Commissions and scientific organizations in the development of plans for scientific sessions and for inter-symposium coordination of sessions to be held at IAMAS assemblies, and as appropriate, at other meetings;
6.1.4. Participating in the official affairs of IAMAS and associated organizations, as appropriate.
6.1.5. Preparing and recommending resolutions on matters relating to atmospheric dynamics for consideration by ICDM, IAMAS, and IUGG.
6.1.6. As requested, making recommendations of scientists to serve on various joint committees or other bodies.
6.1.7. Representing the interests of the ICDM before other organizations and in the planning and conduct of cooperative scientific activities.
6.1.8. Considering and recommending to IAMAS the adoption and revision of the Terms of Reference of the ICDM.
6.1.9. Carrying out such other activities as are appropriate and are approved by the ICDM aimed toward promoting the objectives of the ICDM and IAMAS.
6.2. The President and the Secretary shall be responsible for carrying out the necessary activities to sustain ICDM and promote its objectives between IAMAS assemblies. This shall include providing notice to Members of upcoming meetings, preparation of agendas for meetings, distribution of minutes reporting on meetings, maintaining of a membership roster, provision for nomination of officers, and providing a biennial report to the IAMAS on membership and actions during the years between assemblies
6.3. The Secretary shall be responsible for the financial affairs of the ICDM, which shall include accounting for income from IAMAS and for paying and keeping a record of ICDM expenditures. Expenditures of less than $250 for administrative costs of the ICDM and for the convening of meetings shall be approved by the Secretary and President; expenditures for over $250 shall be approved by the ICDM. Every two years, the Secretary shall submit a report of income and expenses for review by the ICDM and the IAMAS Executive Committee.
6.4. In seeking to fulfill its objectives, the ICDM may appoint sub-commissions, committees, or working groups to undertake special studies or devote specialist attention to a specific or general area of concern in the area of climate. Members of these additional groups may or may not be members of the ICDM.
VII. Scientific Scope of the Commission
7. The scientific scope of the ICDM shall be interpreted broadly to include all scientifically based observation, research, analysis, and simulation of atmospheric dynamics, including variations on all time and spatial scales, and couplings to the ocean and environment, and to society.