President (term expires 2023):
- Thomas Spengler, Professor
Geophysical Institute
University of Bergen
Allegaten 79
Postboks 7800, 5020 Bergen
ph: +47 55 58 98 46
fax: +47 55 58 98 83
member since 2012
Areas of interest: Rossby waves, polar Lows, tropical-extratropical interactions, teleconnections, baroclinic instability, heat lows, alpine valley winds, flow over and around orography
Secretary (term expires 2023):
- Craig Bishop, Professor
Weather Prediction, School of Earth Sciences, Climate and Energy College
Room 449 McCoy Building
The University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Victoria 3010
ph: +61 456 309 264
member since 2010
Areas of interest: data assimilation, predictability, dynamics and ensemble forecasting
Past President (term expires 2023):
- Richard Grotjahn, Professor and Climate Dynamicist in the UC Agricultural Experiment Station
Atmospheric Science Program
Dept. of L.A.W.R., UCDavis
One Shields Avenue
Davis CA 95616
United States
ph: +1 530 752-2246
fax: +1 530 752-1793
member since 2007
Areas of interest: Dynamics and instability of shear flows, waves, atmospheric dynamics, stratospheric circulation, storm tracks