
The following list of members of the ICDM is current as of August 2020:

  • Dr. P.G. BainesEmeritus Member (Australia) p.baines(at) – dynamic meteorology and climatology, topographic effects, oceanography
  • Prof. Craig H. BishopSecretary (Australia) craig.bishop(at) – data assimilation, predictabilty, dynamics and ensemble forecasting
  • Prof. Rodrigo Caballero (Sweden) rodrigo(at) – atmospheric dynamics—from planetary-scale waves to the motion of individual cloud droplets
  • Prof. Dr. Leila M. V. Carvalho (USA), leila(at) – climate variability and change, mesoscale and mountain meteorology.
  • Dr. Iracema F. A. Cavalcanti (Brazil), iracema.cavalcanti(at) – climate variability, teleconnections, climate dynamics and climate change
  • Dr Hannah M. Christensen (UK), hannah.christensen(at) – predictability, model uncertainty, parametrisation, stochastic modelling, tropical weather and climate, data science
  • Dr James D. Doyle (USA),  james.doyle(at) – mesoscale dynamics and processes, predictability, mesoscale, numerical weather prediction, coupled air-ocean interaction processes, topographically forced-flows, tropical cyclones, and mesoscale coastal dynamics.
  • Dr. Wansuo Duan (China) duanws(at) – Error growth dynamics associated with predictability of weather and climate; Target observation; Data assimilation; Ensemble forecasting.
  • Prof. (Emeritus) Richard GrotjahnPast President (USA) grotjahn(at) – large-scale and climate dynamics, atmospheric general circulation, climate modeling, extreme events
  • Dr. Vanda Grubišic (USA) grubisic(at) – mesoscale dynamics, mountain meteorology, boundary-layer in complex terrain, observations, numerical modeling
  • Dr. Christian Keil (Germany) christian.keil(at) – high-resolution numerical modeling, ensemble forecasting and predictability
  • Prof. Daniel Kirschbaum (Canada), daniel.kirshbaum(at) – synoptic, mesoscale and microscale dynamics, moist convection
  • Prof. Hisashi NakamuraEmeritus Member (Japan) hisashi(at) – storm track dynamics, Rossby wave teleconnection, large-scale air-sea interaction in the extratropics, decadal-scale climate variability
  • Prof. Sumant Nigam (USA) nigam(at) – Atmospheric general circulation, climate variability mechanisms, tropical ocean-atmosphere interaction, hydroclimate variability and droughts, monsoons, climate model assessments, and characterization of multidecadal variability and secular change in climate records
  • Prof. Michael Reeder (Australia) michael.reeder(at) – Large-scale tropical circulations, monsoons, fronts and extratropical cyclones, dynamics of Rossby waves, organization of tropical convection and tropical cyclones, gravity waves, internal undular bores, dynamics and weather of wildfires
  • Dr. Irina Repina (Russia) repina(at) – air-sea interaction, atmospheric boundary layer, meso-scale atmospheric processes
  • Dr. Gwendal Riviere (France) griviere(at) – Extratropical cyclones and extreme events, large scale Rossby waves, low frequency variability, mid latitude air sea interactions, GFD Instabilities, Wave-mean flow interactions, predictability
  • Prof. Dr. Mathias Rotach (Austria) mathias.rotach(at) – Boundary Layer dynamics, mountain meteorology, atmospheric dynamics, high-resolution numerical modeling
  • Prof. Seok-Woo Son (Republic of Korea) seokwooson(at) – large-scale atmospheric dynamics, climate change and variability, atmospheric and climate predictability
  • Prof. Thomas SpenglerPresident (Norway) thomas.spengler(at) – Rossby waves, polar Lows, tropical-extratropical interactions, teleconnections, baroclinic instability, heat lows, alpine valley winds, flow over and around orography
  • Prof. Istvan Szunyogh (USA) szunyogh(at) – atmospheric predictability, data assimilation, ensemble forecasting
  • Dr Frédéric Vitart (UK) Frederic.Vitart(at) – sub-seasonal predictability, Madden Julian oscillation, teleconnections, weather regimes
  • Dr. Tim Woollings (UK) woollings(at) – Storm tracks, blocking, atmosphere-ocean interaction, low- frequency variability and climate change
  • Prof. Nedjeljka Žagar (Germany) nedjeljka.zagar(at) – numerical weather prediction, tropical data assimilation, large-scale dynamics, equatorial waves.